Mimosa February 2021
Virginia Creeper just starting to darken
Mimosa February 2020
Pictures from the before time
MAY 2019 Birthday Bouquet
Monica makes Aurum (79)
MAY 2019 Printemps
click on pic
Chez Mike, vernisage click to enlarge
some astro group stragglers
Chez nous
Catching Sharks
JULY 2018 click on pic to enlarge
Ruth wins by yards
Guess which is which: Their average age is Tungsten (W)
Here’s Peggy from N.Z.
1st April 2018 (Easter Sunday Lunch)
31st December 2017:
A Winter tradition: Le Scrabble en francais, here are some of the scrabblers:
July 15th CLAUZETONBURY 2017
Click on pics to enlarge
Country and Western duo,
first class
general view of assembled audience
July 15th clauzetonbury
July 6th 2017 Summer evening at Hocknell Hall
June 24th 2017 Our 50th wedding anniversary:
the table spread
and finally cutting it correctly (above)
25th December 2016
Turkey into oven, (click on pic to enlarge)
Well for traditional reasons, the turkey is placed in the oven by someone other than the cook. Later the guests arrive, and after toasts
And more toasts;
Merry Christmas to one and all
28th November 2016
12th September 2016: September Sunday Lunch
A long lazy lunch, late summer days never ending…. “more……..and still more later flowers for the bees, until they think warm days will never cease….”
a thorn between two roses…
Carole, me, Cherry.
“Cherry … finds a boat beneath a willow left afloat…”
28th August 2016: August Sunday Lunch
the stage with early performers,
later appearance of more professional after the paella, and was it hot.
look. there’s me
Karel’s Birthday Bash jan 2016
Early November 2015
A few photos of Autumnal Colours: we took a camera to the Bambouserie yesterday and herewith our record of contrasting maples in the Japanese Garden.
Four photos of Autumn tints at the Bambouserie (near Anduze)
JUNE 2015 :
La Grotte Chauvet (La Caverne du Pont-d’Arc ) dans l’Ardeche
this site has just recently been opened and is well worth the visit. (you need to prebook, and costs 13€ each)
This is neolithic art, radio-carbon dated to 34,000 yrs bp. UNESCO designated this as a World Heritage Site in June 2014
It’s hard to believe that these are charcoal drawings made some 34,000 years ago.