Mon’s Memos

     2018 -           ANNUS  HORRIBILIS

Monica: This last year has been a difficult one for me. A long delayed trip to see my sister Angela in Cape Town (November 2018) turned into a nightmare. Martin had advised against the trip, however I was determined to go, accompanied by Sandra Thompson a friend from my Southend days. It was a long flight. The day after arriving in Cape Town I experienced extreme back pains, and ended up in hospital. The diagnosis: – fractures of the vertebra. Two weeks in hospital on my back. Although the hospital treatment was excellent it was not how I had envisaged my trip.

Martin: Monica left for Paris Monday 19th November, I didn’t know of her problems until Saturday the 1st December. She emailed that she was in hospital, it was a shock, I thought I would never see her again.

Monica: Eventually I was flown to Paris on 15th December 2018 and arriving on Sunday 16th still lying on my back in the care of my own Medical Team, a doctor and a nurse both male. (thanks to Axa Insurance)- this was to be my first business class flight – My medical team then accompanied me on the shorter flight, from Paris back to Marseilles and by ambulance (blue lights) back home to Ribaute. One day at home, followed by 2 weeks in the Bonnefon hospital in Alès, just twenty minutes away, the making of a special back brace, and some scans, all showing osteoporosis. So Christmas and New year 2018-19 were spent in hospital, there I was helped to get on my feet and at last to take showers, on my own.

Martin: Monica was never short of visitors, thanks to all our friends She spent last Christmas in hospital, I had hoped she would be home for the New Year. Not to be. Monica was discharged from the Bonnefon, on Wednesday 2nd January 2019. Still very weak. But she was home again. This was the reason for no Xmas cards from us.

Mon: I am now taking daily injections to combat osteoporosis. The year has passed with glorious weather, visits from family and friends. Martin remains fit, the children are fine, Julie is now a “Hotel Director” on RCCL travelling the world, she does seem to enjoy her various trips to visit her Aged Parents in France. Richard is still working in the city and his children are growing rapidly: now aged 10, 8 and 6. They also jet to France when they can.

Both M&M: We wish you a Happy Christmas and an Annus Mirabilis to us all in 2020.



MONICA’S   RECIPE                   November 2016


6 Large Red Peppers (stalks removed, de-seeded and halved)

12 Red Chillies (halved seeds in or out – your choice)

600 ml Red Wine Vinegar

1.25kg White Granulated Sugar

250g Liquid Pectin (Sugar for jam or jellies can be substituted for Granulated sugar and pectin.)

1. Place the Peppers and Chillies in a food processor/blender and chop finely.

2. Transfer them into a large saucepan. Add the vinegar and bring to the boil. Boil for 5 minutes, then allow to drip through a jelly bag overnight.

3. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan and add the sugar. Bring the mixture slowly to the boil over a medium heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.

4. Add the pectin (if using), increase the heat and cook at a full rolling boil for 2 minutes, then test for a set.

5. When the jelly has reached setting point, pot into warm sterilised jars.

Here’s an example click on pic to enlargekif_3071







Prepare Peppers and Chillies and finely chop.




Place in large saucepan and add 750 cc red wine vinegar. Bring to boil .


Pour into jelly bag and allow to drain overnight.


Empty saucepan into measure (see pic)   about 750 ml in this case, pour into saucepan again


Add sugar (with pectin if required) to equal measure  (~ 750 grams) stir in and bring to boil.  Boil for about 20 minutes and skim surface for impurities


kif_3082  test for setting


pour into prepared jars

and you have plenty for Christmas and next year.



