We have some Family Historic Films (several were originally on 9.5 mm ciné film) and have been transcribed to DVD accessible through Youtube.
1 Myreton Farm (Kippen Stirlingshire) I am there as a sixteen year old.
2 Seb’s Summer (video footage in France c 2008)
3. Myreton Harvest time (color) including my parents c 1953
Just click on link.
OCTOBER 2018 one click will do
This is Meg Early’s VEZENOBRES a village of figs and olives, I feel a bit of Chaucer coming on.
May 2018 Anduze Debating Group
Debate dehors place notre dame
September 2017 Anduze
The tour d’horloge outside and in .
and a couple of views from the top,
Lovely Devil’s shadow on rock face.
28th June 2016
We visited Harmony of the Seas – (since Julie is in charge) right now this is supposed to be largest ship in the world, and as she was berthed at Marseilles, Invited by Julie, we took a look: Just like a block of flats. see pic
and just as difficult to do it justice when on board, this is one of the children’s play pools:I waited until bucket filled and tipped to capture resulting cascade.
5th April 2016
This is Beaucaire on a rainy April day. The Rhone splits into several canals and bywaters which constitute the delta, and Beaucaire is one of the towns in the region with a small inland harbour. Plenty of restaurants and cafes on either bank.
________________________________And for good measure, here is the Monster that terrified the villagers of Tarascon in the Middle Ages. Tarascon is just over the bridge from Beaucaire. See if you can find it.
La Tarasque
The fabulous Monster of Tarascon. It figures on the insignia of the town, and this creative sculpture is a recent addition. Where is it ?